Saturday, June 28, 2014

July 23-28

Upper Body
1)Hang cleans-95x5/115x5/120x3/120x3
2)BB overhead press: 5x5 @ 65-75-85-80-80
3)Weighted neutral grip pull-ups:5x5 @15-20-20-20-20
4a)Chest supported DB Row:  40x10/10/10/35x10
4b)DB incline bench press:40x8/10/9/35x10
5a)Farmers walks: 55lbs x3x30ish seconds
 5b)Calf raises: 5x10
Abs-Stir the pot plank 3x30 seconds + Handstand practice

Lower Body
1)Box jumps: 3x5
2)Box Squat: 135x8/155x6/165x5(used a lower box slightly below parallel)/ 1 set without box: 135x12
3)BB hip thrust: 155x8/175x8/195x8/ 205x8
4)DB walking lunges: 30x3x10
5a)Pullthroughs: 3x15
5b)Seated band abductions: 3x20
Finisher: 25 Bulgarian split squats(per leg) w/ Lsit hold between each leg, then 20 Bulgarian split squats/leg w/ Lsit hold

Upper Body
(lower back was hurting some, so I skipped snatches and did a lot of "pump" stuff today!)
1)BB hang power snatch:X
2) Bench press: 95x6/105x6/110x5/5/95x10
3a) TRX row: 4x10-12-12-12
3b)Landmine press: Bar+15lbs x 10-8-8-8
4a)DB bicep curls: 3x12-15
4b)TRX "W" pulls: 3x12
5a)Front lever hold(modified): 3x12 seconds
5b)DB lateral raises: 3x12-15
6)TRX ab pike: 3x12

Lower Body
(Lower back still bothering me a little, so I didn't push the weights today!)
1) Leg press: 270x3x15
2)Trap bar deadlifts: 2x8, then called it quits on those!
3)BB hip thrusts: 135x3x12/ Single leg: 1x12
4a)GHR: 15-15-12
4b)Lateral band walks: 3x15 each way
Finisher-Prowler push -
Warmup sets + KB swings(3x12)
Then: 270x5 (10-12 second push, ~1 minute rest)
Seated calf raises: 1x50 (1 giant set)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 16-21

Upper Body
1)Hang cleans- 115x4x3 (plus one push jerk every set)
2)BB overhead press: 5x5 @65-75-80-80-75lbs
3)Weighted neutral grip pull-ups: 15 x 5x5
4a)Chest supported DB Row: 35x10/40x10/40x10/35x10
4b)DB incline bench press: 40x10/45x8/ 45x7/40x8
5a)Farmers walks:
1 arm x2x35ish seconds w/50lbs
2 arm: 2x60ish seconds w/50lbs
5b)Calf raises: 5x10
Abs-Stir the pot plank 3x30 seconds

Lower Body
1)Box jumps: 3x5 (higher box each set)
2)Box Squat: 125x6/145x6/165x6 / Front squat: 125x6/95x8
3)BB hip thrust: 155x8/175x8/195x8/8
4)Reverse DB lunge from deficit: 25x10/30x3x8 (Off of two 45lb plates stacked)
5a)Pullthroughs: 3x15
5b)Seated band abductions: 3x15-20
Finisher: 30 Bulgarian split squats/leg

Upper Body
1)BB hang power snatch: 75x3/85x2/90x1/1/1
2) Bench press: 95x6/105x6/110x6/95x10
3a) TRX row: 4x10
3b)Landmine press: Bar(+15lbs)x 4x8-10
4a)TRX bicep curls: 3x12
4b)Lateral raises: 3x12
5a)Ball ab pikes: 3x12
5b)Pull-aparts: 3x20
Handstand hold practice

Lower Body
1) Sumo deadlift: 5x5 @135-155-175-190-190
2) Leg press: 230x12/270x12/300x15/300x15
3) BB hip thrust: 135x3x12
4)GHR: 3x12
4b)Band walks: 3x15(each side)
Finisher-Prowler push 10-12 seconds, 60 second rest
@ 230-250-270-290-310-270-180(last 2 sets using low handles)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 9-14

1)Hang power cleans: 115x4x3
2)Weighted neutral grip pullups:
15x5/22.5x5/27.5x5/5/ 0x7
3)BB overhead press: 65x5/75x5/80x5/70x8
4a)1 arm DB row: 60x8/60x8/55x12
4b)DB chest press: 45x3x8
5a)Standing calf raise: 4x12
5b)Pull-aparts: x20-15-12
1 arm plate carries: 3x25 seconds
1)Broad jumps: 3x5
2)Squats: 155x6/160x6/145x8/135x12
3)Single leg front loaded reverse lunge: 65x8/75x8/85x8/8
4)BB hip thrusts: 135x10/155x10/175x8/8/ 135x12
5a)Glute ham raise: 3x12
5b)Band clams: 3x20/leg
Finisher: 100 walking lunges

1)1 arm DB hang snatch: 35x5/40x5/45x5/50x5
2)1 arm DB press: 30x6/40x6/35x8/30x10
3a)T-bar row: 50x10/45x10/8/8
3b)Dips: 3x12
4a)EZ bar curls: 3x12-15
4b)Lsit: 4x10-12 seconds
5a)Cable face pulls: 3x15
6)Cable crunch: 2x20/ Reverse crunches: 2x12
Handstand hold practice 3x12-15 seconds

Box jump 3x5
1) Sumo deadlift 165x5/185x5/190x5/5
2) Leg press : 180x12/230x12/250x12/270x12/290x12
a)Pull-throughs 3x12
3b)Band walks 3x12/ 1x20

4)Single leg hip thrust: 4x10-12
Prowler pushes-

10-12 seconds, 45-60 second rest-worked up to 2 sets w/320lbs
Seated calf raise: giant set to 40 reps

Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 2-7

1)Hang power cleans: 115x3x3
2)Weighted neutral grip pullups: 15x5/22.5x4/27.5 x4/4/4/ 0x6
3)BB overhead press: 75x3x5/ 65x8
4a)1 arm DB row: 50x8/60x8/8/55x12
4b)DB chest pres: 40x8/45x8/8/ Pushups- 1x15+5
5)DB clean to external rotation: 2x12
1 arm plate carries: 3 x 20 seconds / 2 arm: 1x 20 seconds +
Standing calf raise machine 3x15

1)Squat jumps: 3x6
2)Squats: 155x5/160x6/135x12
3)Single leg front loaded reverse lunge: 75x8/80x3x8
4)BB hip thrusts:135x12/155x3x10
5a)Glute ham raise: 3x12
5b)Lateral and forward band walks
Finisher: 90 walking lunges

1)BB hang power snatch: 85x4x3
2)1 arm DB press: 35x8/8/7/7
3a)T-bar row: 45x4x10
3b)Dips: 3x12
4a)EZ bar curls: x12/10+drop set x10
4b)Lsit: 4x10-12 seconds
5a)Cable face pulls: Giant set to 40 reps
+Handstand walk practice

Worked out at home:
1)Single leg squat to chair: 3x8 holding 20lb dumbbell
2)Single leg RDL: 3x12 w/25s in each hand
3a)Single leg hip thrust: 3x12
3b)Seated band abductions: 3x25-30
4)Reverse sled drags: 10x 20 seconds, 45ish second rest w/90lbs added
5)Single leg calf raise: 2x20(still being careful with my ankle)
6)Ab wheel rollouts: 3x12


Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 26-31

1)Hang power cleans: 105x3/3/115x3/3
2)Weighted overhand grip pullups: 10x4x5/ BW x 1x8
3)BB overhead press: (2 cluster sets)
 65lbs x 5x5-5-4-3-3 (w/20-30 second rest)-3 minute rest- 65x5-4-3-3-3
4)1 arm DB row: 55x8/60x8/55x8/50x10
5)DB chest press: 40x10/10/8/ +1 set of pushups x10(because I suck at pushups!)
6)DB clean to external rotation: 2x10
1 arm KB bottom's up carries: 2x 20 seconds/ 2 arm Farmer's walk: 2x 45-50 seconds w/53lbs
+Modified "dragonfly"/reverse crunch: 3x10-12
Cable crunches for fun 1x30


1)Squat jumps: 3x5
2)Squats: 155x 3x6/6/135x10
3)Single leg front loaded reverse lunge: 75x4x8
4)BB hip thrusts:135x10/155x8/175x8/135x12
5a)Glute ham raise: 3x12
5b)Hanging leg raise: 3x10
6a)Cable pullthroughs: 3x15
6b)Mini band walks: 2x12 lateral/2x15 forward
Finisher: 80 walking lunges

1)BB hang power snatch: 85x4x3
2)1 arm DB press: 35x8/8/30x10/10
3a)T-bar row: 45x10/10/10/8
3b)Dips: 4x10
4a)EZ bar curls: 2x12 + 1x20
4b)Lsit: 3x12 seconds
5a)Cable face pulls: 3x15/12/12
5b)Lateral raise: x12/12 + 8(drop set)
+Handstand walk practice


1) Deadlift: 155x5/175x5/195x5/205x3/3
2) Front squat: 105x3x8
3)Back extensions w/weight:  25x3x12
3b)Seated band abductions: 3x25
4)Single leg foot elevated glute bridge 3x10-12
Prowler pushes-
270x2-290x2-310x2-320x1 (10-12 second push, 60 second rest)