Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Muscle ups-5 in a row on the neutral pullup bars!! Will get on video soon. ;)

Clean and jerk practice-worked up to 105x3

Military barbell press: 75x5-80x5-80x5-65x8
-Superset with-
Overhand narrow grip pullups: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

1 arm DB row: 55x7-55x7-40x10-45x12
-Superset with-
Feel elevated pushups on pushup handles: 10-10-10

L-sit holds: 3 sets of 12 seconds (These are so hard!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Legs + Sled Sprints

Front Squats: 95x6-115x5-125x5-125x5  Back squats: 125x12

Deadlift: warmup sets, then 175x6, 195x6

Leg press: 90x12-140x12-140x15 (Haven't done this machine in over a year, and felt pretty weak!)
-Superset with-
Single leg kettlbell RDL: 25lbs x10-10-10

Sled sprints: 12x with 25lbs in tire, 12-15 seconds sprint, 45-60 second rest

Monday, February 27, 2012

New Training Cycle Day 1

Upper body
Weighted pullups:

Neutral grip pullups:

Dumbbell bench press:

-Superset with-

Barbell row:

Handstand pushup:

-Superset with-

Weighted situp:

Battle ropes: 20seconds on, 40 rest 7x

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fri and Saturday Workouts

Yesterday's workout was the first WOD of the CrossFit Open: 7 min burpee amrap!

I ended up with 91, but that was without touching something overhead, which was what you had to do if you were participating in the open. It was rough! Although my upper body and legs were burning like crazy, I think it was my lungs that hurt the most!

So I did that and a max set of neutral grip pullups(got 15) and then handstand practice, and that was it for yesterday!

I'm taking my training outside today. I love training outside in the fresh air. My husband made me a tire sled, so I'll be going out in the street in front of my house and doing sled sprints, ball slams, and overhead lunges. Should be fun! :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fun WOD!

Today's CrossFit workout was fun because it involved some of my favorite exercises-handstand pushups, kettlebell swings and double unders.

First I warmed up, then practiced some clean and jerks with a light weight(85lbs).

5 rounds for time -
5 handstand pushups
10 swings 25lb
20 double unders
Time: 8:50

Finished with handstand and got another 15 second hold!! :) Then I did some leg raises on the Roman chair, but with my weight on my hands(arms straight) without using the back support, and a couple set of L-sit holds for 10 seconds. Those are tough!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

CrossFit Week!

I'm taking a break from my weight training program to do a week of CrossFit.  I'm kind of using it as a recovery week, so I'm not going to do any WODs with heavy weights, mostly just bodyweight workouts. Then it's back to the weights next week!

Here's what I did today, after a warmup:

15 minutes, as many rounds as possible:

6 chest to bar pullups(kipping)
9 pushups
12 box jumps (about 18-20")

I ended up with 8 rounds, + 6 pullups and 9 pushups

I finished with 3 sets of 12 ab wheel rollouts and handstand practice. I held a 15 second handstand, which I was pretty happy about!! Then I held about 12 seconds on pushup handles! Practice pays off. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday's Leg Day

Depth jumps: 3x5

Squats: Warmup sets, then 155x5-175x3-185x1-195x1

Bulgarian Split Squats with barbell: 60x6-60x8-20x12(in one hand)-0x15

Seated Leg Curls: 3x12

Back Extensions/Weighted Situps

Sprints: A few warmups, then 6 sprints at 12-13.5mph, 6-8% incline, 10-12 seconds, 1 minute rest

Friday, February 17, 2012

Survival Challenge Chinups: 15 reps

Today's upper body workout:

Split jerk practice: 95x3-105x3-110x3-115x2

Max Chinups: 15

I can never back down from a challenge! This is the first time I've ever tried to see how many chinups I could get.

Overhand, narrow grip pullups: 5-5-5-5  / Chinups-7  -Superset with-

Overhead standing dumbbell press-30lbsx8-8-8/ 25lbs x12(seated)

Tbar row: 60x8-60x8-45x12  -Superset with-

Dips:(going a little slower on the way down): 3 sets of 10

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bodyweight Back Squat Challenge

Today's lower body workout:

Hang power cleans 3x3: 95-115-115

Front Squats :115x5-125x5-135x3-150x1

Back squats with bodyweight, as many reps as possible: 125lbs x 30!! (A little over my bodyweight) Why do I do these things to myself?! OUCH.

Deadlifts: 135x5-155x5-175x5-195x3-205x3  Did not feel strong on these today. Could've been all the squats before, ya think?

Hanging leg raises on Roman chair x12 reps, superset with 1 arm overhead walking lunges-20lb kettlebell x 10 each arm, 3 rounds

Monday, February 13, 2012


Muscle ups x3

Clap pushups 3x6

Wide pullups: x7/x6/x6/x6  Neutral: 2x6

Bench press: 115x5/115x5/115x5/110x5/105x5

Db Bench Press: 45x10/45x10/40x12  -Superset with-

Inverted rows with feet elevated: 2x10/ feet down: 2x12

Ab wheel rollouts 3x12

Battle ropes-5 minutes

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Overhead Squats

Leg Day #2:

Depth jumps: 2x6-8

Overhead squats(decided to do a set of these just for fun since I hadn't done them in forever): warmed up to a set  of 5 with 95lbs

Back Squats: 5x5 with 170lbs

Bulgarian squats with dumbbell at chest: 35lbsx10/35x10/0x15

Back Extensions: 35lbsx10/10/10 (superset with a couple sets of leg extensions)

Conditioning: 100 meter sprint, 15 kettlebell swings-5x(last 2 rounds did 30second jump rope high knees because treadmills were full)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

130lb power clean x3

Started today's lower body workout with power cleans. I worked up to a set of 3 with 130lbs, which is the most I've done for 3 reps. Still have a few things to work on with these.

Front Squats: 95x3/115x3/130 x1/ 140x3/145x3(belt on last set)

135x5/155x5/175x3/200x5/  Trap bar dead: 1 set of 15 with 135lbs

Hanging toes to bar: 4x12

-Superset with-

1 arm kettlebell swings-10 each arm/25lbs

Finisher:  Bounding burpees, as many reps as I could get in 5 minutes-I think I ended up with 50.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bench and Lots of Pullups

Clap pushups-3x6

Bench Press: 5x5 with 110lbs

Wide pullups: 4 sets of 5 with 15lbs, 2 sets of 7 with no weight, 1 set of 7 chinups (also did a few set of handstand pushups between pullups)

Dumbbell bench press: 45x10/45x9/40x12/ Pushups with feet elevated-2 sets of 12

-Superset with-

Inverted rows with palms up-4x10

Finished with a couple sets of ab wheel rollouts and planks, and one max set of double unders-I got 62 in a row, breaking my previous record by 10!! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

5x5 Squats with 165lbs

Did I Ever Mention I Love Squats??

Box Jumps and Broad Jumps

Squats: 5x5 with 165lbs

Bulgarian Split Squat: (I held one dumbbell at my chest)30x10/35x10/35x10/0x15

Leg Extensions 2x15  -Superset with-

Back Extension 25lbs x12 x3

Sprints: 10-15 seconds at 11-12 mph at 8% incline, 10 sprints

Friday, February 3, 2012

I Love Push Press Day!

Today's upper body workout:

Push Press: 5x5 with 100lbs

DB standing overhead press: 35x6/35x6/30x8/30x8

-Superset with-

Rope pullups: 4x8

Dips: 3x10

-Superset with-

Tbar row: 60x7/55x9/45x12

Then for fun I did a couple sets of dumbbell bicep curls and a set of tricep cable pressdowns

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lower Body Day and a Front Squat Challenge!

Hang power snatch: 55x3/65x3/75x3

Front squat: 95x5/110x4/120x17(I did as many reps as I could with a little under my bodyweight, and it was brutal!!!)

Deadlifts:(worked up to 1 heavy set of 5) 135x3/155x3/175x3/195x5

Bench hip thrust: 95x10 reps x3

- Superset with -

Roman chair leg raises-4 sets of 12

Conditioning circuit: 30 walking lunges, 10 kettlebell swings, 3 rounds

Woah, was my butt sore after this workout!!! LOVE it!