Saturday, April 19, 2014

Phase 4, Week 1

Monday Upper
1)BB hang power snatch: 85x5x2
2)Push press: 115 x 6 x 2
3a)Incline Dumbbell Row (w/2 sec hold): 35 x 4 x 8
3b)Close Grip Bench: 120 x 6x2
4)Front lever 4x10 seconds
5)Standing calf raises: x12-10-8-8
+ Plate carries 5 x 30 seconds w/25lb plates 

Wednesday Lower
1)Box jump x5-12  (worked up to a high box)
2)Squat-  175x5x2
3)DL- 205x 3x3
4)Bulgarian split squat- 25x8/ 27.5 x3x8
5a)Lsit- 4x10 seconds
5b)GHR -3x12
6a)1 leg hip thrust-  3x10

6b)Lateral band walks: 3x12 each way

 Friday Upper
1)Handstand pushups: 5x5
2a)Chinup: 1x8/1x7/ 6x6 (slow on the eccentric)
2b)Incline DB chest press: 35x6/40x6/45x4x6 
3)Bar dips: 2x10
4)Incline seated hammer curl: 3x10
5a)Front lever hold: 3x10 seconds 
5b)Reverse TRX flyes 2x12

6)Stir the pot plank: 3x30 seconds

Handstand walk practice-actually got like 10 steps, woohoo!
Saturday Lower
(At home workout)

1)Jumping lunges: 4x6/leg

2)Off-set squats :35x10/8/8 (each side)

3)Single leg RDL: 20s in each hand x 3 x 12

4)Single leg foot elevated glute bridges: 3x12

5a)Seated band abductions: 30-25-25

5b)KB swings: 3x20

Reverse sled drags- 100lbs x15-20 seconds x 10x


  1. Where do I buy the unchanged routine? I can't seem to find it :( looks awesome!

    1. Unfortunately it's no longer available to be purchased. You can check out Jason Ferrugia's website for the program he currently offers.
