Monday, August 20, 2012

Training August 13-19


1)Bench Press: 105x4-115x3-115x3-105x5

2)Chinups: 8-7-7-7 (I hate chinups!)

3a)DB push press, palms in: 35x7-7-7, then 2 sets of handstand pushups x4

3b)Tbar row, neutral grip: 55x7-55x7-45x10

4a)Dips: 4 sets of 10

4b)Standing dumbbell curl: 20x10-10-9-15x10


Trying out a new program this week, and I really didn't like this workout. Can't find an exercise that I like for hamstrings! I hate machine curls, don't have a glute ham raise machine, and I'm afraid to add in RDLs again since those are what I first started feeling the hamstring pain on a while back.

1)Trap bar deadlift: 155x5-165x5-175x5(these felt great today!! Heaviest I've gone in a while, woohoo!!)

2)Box jumps: 5x5

3)Single leg bench hip thrust: 2 sets of 8 with feet up on a bench/2 sets of 10 with feet on ground

4)1 leg RDL: experimented with landmine RDLs and then holding a barbell w/ 2 hands-didn't like either of them!!

5a)KB swings: 3 sets of 15, 1/2 way
5b)Double unders  3 sets of 20

Finished with 4 sets of plate pushes on the carpet with a 45lb plate-those were tough and a quad burner!


1a)Weighted overhand grip pullups: 15lbs x5-5-5-5-4

1b)Clapping pushups: 5 sets of 5

2a)Handstand pushups: 6-6-6

2b)Ball slams: 20lbs, 4 sets of 10

3a)Band pull aparts: 4 sets of 20

3b)DB chest press: 50x5-45x6-45x6(last 2 sets incline)/ Pushups w/feet elevated x10

4)Hanging leg raises: 3 sets of  8 (abs were still sore from ab wheel rollouts Sunday!)


Back squat- 4 sets of 3, working up to 3 RM:

145x3-155x3-165x5-175x3(not my best, but the heaviest I've gone in about 5 months!)


10 minutes-

3 front squats w/95lbs

9 Bar facing burpees(jumping over the bar)

I was able to get 8 rounds!


It was so beautiful outside in KY so I skipped the gym and took my conditioning outside for some hill sprints!

Hill sprints x10
10-12 second sprint with around a minute recovery


  1. I love your workouts!!! and I did that WOD and you were so right...WHAT A KILLER!

    you are amazing! thanks for the inspiration!! I love that you post your workouts--helps me keep up my intensity and reminds me to PUSH MYSELF but have fun doing it! :)

    1. Thanks! That WOD was a killer-at first I was like, "95lbs on front squats? That's nothin!" But after the heavy squats and then paired with the bar facing burpees....yeah...not so light!
      I'm glad you like seeing my workouts! Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads them, lol. I know I like seeing what other people do and what new things I can try!
