Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lower Body Strength & Power Day

1) Vertical jump 3x5

2)Back squat: 3x5 w/145lbs

3)Deadlift: (conventional) 2x5 w/175lbs

4)1 leg bench squat: 3x6 w/10lb dumbbells

5)L-sit hold: 4 sets of 10 seconds

6)Machine calf raise: 3x20

2 minute amrap double unders for fun! :)

Those single leg bench squats were killer!


  1. Lindsay, I love your training log! I get a lot of my workout inspiration from here. Question - how much time do you rest in between your sets? Thank you!

    1. It varies on the number of reps I'm doing. For heavy squats and deads I rest about 2-3 minutes. Then usually around 60-90 seconds for everything else.
