Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quick Upper Body

Quick upper body workout-this workout only took me about 30 minutes! I felt like I did a lot and was surprised how fast I finished! Now tell me you don't have time for the gym??

1)Handstand pushups 2x5

2a)Neutral pullups x 6-4-2-4-6
2b)Handstand pushups x 6-4-2-4-6 (I like doing these odd rep things!)

3)DB chest press: 45x6-6-6-6 w/ 45 second rest

4)Tbar row: 55x8/1 arm DB row: 55x8-55x8

5)Bar dips: 3x10

6) 1 set of pullups: 5 wide grip-5 second rest-4 neutral grip-5 seconds rest-2 chinups(these are the hardest for me! I hate chinups!)

Tabata: 1/2 burpees/double unders


  1. I love how intense your workouts are!!! you seriously motivate me to up my intensity every day I am at the gym!!
