Saturday, March 31, 2012


I skipped my upper body workout and decided to do a CrossFit workout with the group tonight at our CrossFit box-Black Label CrossFit.

The WOD was: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
Hang power clean 95lbs
Barbell rollouts

My time was 9:10

Then we did bench press for strength, 10-9-8-7-6-5 reps, increasing weight each set. After that I played around with some muscle ups on the rings.  Needless to say, I'm pretty sore today!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I love Front Squats :)

I've been having some weird hip pain the past couple of days, so I changed my leg day up slightly today and skipped deadlifts.

1)Barbell power snatch:

2)Front squats:
Warmup sets, then 125x6/125x6/115x8(used a slightly more narrow stance than I normally do)

3a)Leg press: 170lbs x12
3b)Kettlebell swings: 25lbs x15
3c)Front loaded reverse lunge with kettlebell: 25lbs x8each side(alternating)

Didn't do any conditioning today since my calves and ankles are so sore from all the double unders I did Monday. I'll take my dog on a 30 minute walk later today.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Upper 3-26-12

1a)Weighted neutral grip pullups:
25x5+2 without weight/25x4+3 without weight/L-chinups: x5/x4

1b)Handstand pushups on handles:
4-3-4(as many as possible)

2a)Dumbbell bench press:

2b)Barbell row:
105x8/105x8/ Inverted row: x10/x10

3a)1 arm overhead dumbbell press:

3b)Weighted decline situp:

Lsits and handstand practice, then 12 minutes of double unders, 20 at a time with rest as needed

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Leg Day 3-25-12

1)Depth jumps: 3x8

Warmup sets, then 3 sets of 6 with 155lbs. Squats felt weak today.

3a)Step Ups
1 set of 12 with 20lb dumbbells, then 2 sets of 12 with 50lb barbell

3b)Leg curls
3 sets of 10 with 70lbs

4a)Hanging leg raises:
3 sets of 10

4b)Standing calf raises:
2 sets of 15 with 120lbs

Finisher: 21-15-9 of burpees, squat jumps, kettlebell swings

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Upper body 3-22-12

1)Muscle ups x3

2a)Military press:
Warmup sets, then 85x3/85x3/70x8/70x7

2b)Wide grip pullups:

3a)Parallel bar dips:

3b)1 arm DB row:

Ab wheel rollouts (3 sets of 10)+ some jump rope

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lower Body 3/21/12

I was in a different gym than usual today, so I changed things up a bit.

1)1 arm dumbbell snatch:
3 sets of 6 with 35lbs

2)Front Squat:
Warmup sets, then 3 sets of 8 reps with 105lbs

3a)Leg Press:


Leg Extensions:
3 sets of 10

Uphill walk: 10 minutes(this was the most boring thing ever)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Upper Body

1)Weighted neutral grip pullups:
Warmup sets with no weight, then: 35lbs x3-3-4/
2 sets with 25lbs x4(+2 reps with no weight)/1 set of wide grip pullupsx8

2a)Dumbbell chest press:
50x6/50x8(had a spot)45x12/45x11

2b)Bentover barbell row:

3a)1 arm dumbbell overhead press:

3b)Weighted decline situps with weight behind head:

Tabatas-alternating between battle ropes and mountain climbers

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Legs 3-17-12

Box jumps/bounds

1) Squat:
Warmup sets, then-175x4-185x4-145x12

2a) Barbell step up (1 leg):


3a)Standing calf raise machine:
4 sets of 15 with 120lbs

3b)Hanging straight leg raise:

5 rounds-
10 -12 second sprint
15 kettlebell swings with 25lbs
10 squat jumps
~10 minutes

Upper 3-16-12

1) Split jerk practice:

2a)Military press:

2b)Neutral Grip Pullups:

3a) Pushups with feet elevated w/pushup handles:
3 sets of 10

3b)1 arm DB row:

L Sits-2 sets of 15 seconds

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


1)Weighted neutral grip pullups:
3 sets of 3 reps with 35lbs/ 2 sets of 4 reps of wide grip pullups with 15lbs

2a) Dumbbell bench press:

2b)Barbell row:

3a) 1 arm dumbbell overhead press:

3b)weighted decline situp:

Finisher- Barbell complex:
45lb x 8 reps each
Hang clean
Front squat
OH press
Bentover row
OH squat
Rest 1 min

This was tough!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lower Body

Box jumps and depth jumps

Warmup sets then 175x5-175x5-135x12

2a)Step up:


3a)Hanging leg raise:

3b)standing calf raise:

Finisher: kb swing 15-12-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 + 30 seconds high knee jump rope between sets

Upper Body-Feeling Sick

I was sick on this day! :(

1a)Military press:

1b)Neutral grip pullups:

2a)1 arm DB row:

2b)Bar dips
10-8(+2)-8(x2)/2 sets of pushups

L sit hold- 3 x12 seconds

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Survival Deadlift Challenge

Leg day started with 1 arm dumbbell snatches. I've never done these before, but I LOVED them! So fun.

1)1 arm db snatch: 30x6, 3 sets

Then I did another challenge from Survival of the Fittest: as many reps as you can get on deadlifts with 1.5x your bodyweight. Right now I weigh 124, so I used 185lbs. I managed to get 12 reps, which is not impressive compared to what other people got! But it's the most I've ever done with that weight.

Just a little tidbit here: since doing CrossFit, I've always done touch and go reps(like in the video), where you don't pause at the bottom. I've always felt that I can maintain my back arch better and keep the tension on my hamstrings doing them this way. However,  I know that my weakness is at the bottom of the deadlift, so I'll be doing full stop deadlifts for a while for my heavy reps(less than 5). For high reps, I'll continue to use touch and go.

2)Front squats:

3a)Narrow leg press

3b)Stablility ball leg curl:
3 sets of 12(did not like these)

Sled sprints: 10x, first 5 with 20 extra lbs, last 5 with just the tire.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Upper Body

1)Weighted pullups with neutral grip:
    35lbsx3 x3 sets/ 25lbsx5 x2 sets
   Wide grip pullups: 2 sets of 6(also did some handstand pushups between sets)

2a)Dumbbell bench press:
   50lbs-2x6(I used to not be able to do the 50s without a spot!)/40lbs-2x12

2b)Bentover barbell rows:

3a)Dumbbell overhead press:
    30x7-30x7-25x6(my arms were dead by then!)

3b) Weighted decline situps:
      18lbs x10-12-12-10

4 rounds of-
10 burpees
20 double unders
30 mt climbers each leg

Friday, March 2, 2012

Squat Day!

I am doing a CrossFit workout later with the group at work, so I went in to the gym earlier just to practice some snatches and do some heavy squats.

Hang power snatch: 65x5-75x5-80x5

Squat: 135x4-155x4-175x4-185x4-140x10  Squats felt strong today!

Leg raises:(on hands using Roman chair)-3x10-12
-superset with-
Standing calf raise: 3x12-15

Then Matt wanted me to do a muscle I did 5 in a row again. :) Oh-and got my first one on a straight bar the other day! One of my goals for 2012!