Monday, July 30, 2012


Wow, I am STILL sore from Mary!  I figured I'd do a deload this week and just do some light weights, so I won't be tracking workouts this week. Next week I'll be visiting the in-laws in New York, but I'll be able to keep up with training since they have a weight room! I'll be posting from there, and I'm sure I'll be doing lots of heavy training since I'll be on carb overload! ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today I just did an easy workout at home of jump rope and core stuff. I am still incredibly sore from "Mary", so I'm hoping this workout will help the soreness go away!

*Did my gluteus medius exercises, 1 set of bird-dog, and 2 sets of bodyweight glute bridges to warmup*

12 minutes of:
30 seconds jump rope, different variations
30 seconds core exercises(started with plank crossovers, then did some V-ups with medicine ball overhead)

Saturday, July 28, 2012


CrossFit WOD "Mary":

20 minute amrap-
5 handstand pushups
10 alternating pistols
15 pullups

My score=
7 rounds + 5 handstand pushups, 10 pistols, 10 pullups

The aftermath:

All I can say is that was one of the hardest workouts for me. And I realized that I absolutely despise pistols.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yay For Leg Day!

Warmup & abductor exercises: band resisted clams, hip raises, monster walks

1)Box jump ~24": 4 sets of 6

2)Back Squats: 135x8-7-7 (decided to stay lighter on these today)

3)Barbell glute bridges: 115x8-135x10-10-10(yay! First time with 135!)

4)1 set each of : super HIGH bench step ups x10, lower bench step up from side 20lbs x10, single leg reverse lunge from deficit with 20lbs x10

5a)Seated calf raise: 4 sets of 15
5b)Situps: 2 sets of 15/ Lying leg/hip raise on bench: 2 sets of 15

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meathead Pull Day

Not sure if I'm liking this push/pull thing. I was still so sore from yesterday's workout! Just trying to find a way to work a CrossFit workout in on Fridays...but I don't think this split will last.

1)Neutral grip pullups:0x6-0x6-20x5-5-5

2)1 arm DB row: 60-x7-7/45x12/55x16(Kroc rows)

3)Underhand inverted row: x10-8/ chinups x6

4)DB bicep curl: seated w/palms up 20x8/ seated with palms in x10/ standing w/twist x10

5 minutes of easy jump rope, different styles, rest as needed

Monday, July 23, 2012

Meathead Workout:Push Day

This week I'm switching it up and doing a push/pull/legs split.

Here was today's push workout:

1)Bench press: 115x3/115x3/105x6/95x8

2)DB incline press: 50x6(had spot)/45x7/40x9/40x9

3)1 arm DB standing overhead press: 30x6-6-6-25x8 or 9?

4a)DB standing lateral raise: 15x8-10-10
4b)Cable pressdown w/V bar: 3 sets of 10

5) Ab wheel rollouts: 3 sets of 12

6)L-sit hold on hands: 3 sets of 15 seconds

*Did a few sets of single leg glute bridges

Tabata style finisher:

Double unders
Overhead swings
Double unders
Overhead swings
Double unders
Double unders

Thursday, July 19, 2012

30 minute Upper Body

1) Handstand pushups: 8-6-4-2-6-8 (rest as needed)

2a)Incline DB chest press: 40x7-7-7(incline is so much harder for me)/ 1 set pushups on handles w/feet elevated x10

2b)Wide grip pullups: 7-7-6/ 1 set neutral x9

3a)Inverted row w/feet up, overhead grip: x6-6-6+4 more w/feet on floor last set

3b)Bar dips: 10-10-10

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Work That Booty!

Warmup + gluteus medius exercises(hip raises, clams, monster walks)

1)Hang power snatch: worked up to a couple sets of 75x5

2)Front squat: 95x8-115x6-115x6/ Back squat: 115x12

3)Barbell glute bridge: 95x12-10-10

4a)Walking lunge: 20x12-12-12
4b)Ball pike/tuck: 10 pikes+5 knee tucks, 3x

5a)Ball crunch x15
5b)Feet elevated crossovers x8 each side, 3x

Finished with 1 set each of: left arm swing x10, right arm swing x10, 2 arm swing x10

Monday, July 16, 2012

Upper + Tabatas

1)1 arm Arnold press: 25x8-30x6-6-6-25x8

2)Pullups w/ neutral grip: 10-8-6-4-2

3a)DB chest press: 45x9-8-8/35x12
3b)Cable face pull: 4 sets of 12

4)Ab wheel rollouts: 8 negatives + 4 on knees, 3 sets

Burpee deadlift high pulls, 25lb kb
KB swings-1/2 swings first round, overhead 2nd round, 25lb kb
Burpee deadlift high pulls
Mtn climbers

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Full Body

1)Deadlift: trap bar-155x6 x3 sets / sumo-135x8

Chinups x8

2a)Pushups on handles: x10 x3 sets

2b)1 arm DB row: 55x7/55x7/50x9

Chinups x8

3)1 leg reverse lunge from step: 20x10 x3 sets

4)Leg raises on bench: 15-12-10

5)Decline situps: 12lb x8-8-8

6)Stir the pot plank: 2x20 seconds

12 minute walk outside

CrossFit WOD

20 chest to bar pullups

3 rounds:
5 snatches
5 clean and jerks
5 thrusters

20 chest to bar pullups

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I can squat!

This was my first time really pushing it and going relatively heavy in a few months. I did 160lbs for 5 reps. It was hard, but felt good! Now my problem is going to be not going too heavy too fast, so I don't think I'll be going any heavier than this for a few weeks at least.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Clean & Jerks, Squats, Box Jumps

1)Hang power clean: 1-3 reps, worked up to 125lbs, also mixed in with some jerks up to 120lbs

2)Squat: 115x5-135x5-160x5-135x8

3)Barbell hip thrust:95x8-8-8/0x12

4)Back extension: 2x12

5a)Box jumps 22"
5b)Ball pike x10
4x (someone kept talking to me between sets so I could keep my rests as short as I wanted!)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Upper Body + Finisher

1)Pullups: neutral: x6/ wide:x5-5-5/ neutral w/ weight:20x5-5/ neutral:x10/  5 muscle ups

2)Bench press: warmup sets then 105x5-115x5-115x5-95x12

3a) 1 arm dumbbell standing overhead press: 30x9-9-8-8

4b)Inverted row (palms down): 8-8-8/12 (palms up)


20 overhead swings w/25lb kb
8 ab wheel rollouts(negatives-go as far out on toes, then drop to knees to pull back up)

10 sumo deadlift high pull burpees w/25lb kb
Plank variations(2 sets plank arm reaches, 2 sets plank pushups)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sprints, Farmer's Walks, Battle Ropes

Today was just a conditioning workout.

I did 5 rounds:

15-20 second incline sprint on treadmill
45lb Farmer's Walk
15-20 seconds battle ropes

Friday, July 6, 2012

Deadlift Day :)

1)Hang power snatch: sets of 5, working up to a few sets with 75lbs

2)Trap bar deadlift: 135x5-155x5-165x5/ Sumo deadlift practice: 2 sets of 5 with 135lbs

3)Reverse lunge from step: 25lb(held plate at chest)x8 each side, 2 sets/1 set of 12 with no weight

4)Ab wheel rollouts: 2x8/ Stir the pot plank: 2x25 seconds

5)50 swing for time(using 35lb dumbbell)=1:54

Sumo deadlift practice. I was NOT going heavy, just getting a feel for the form.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another Quick Upper Workout

1)Military press: 65x5-75x5-75x5-65x8-55x8(I don't know why, but these were so hard for me today)

2a)Handstand pushups: 3 sets of 5(these were also very hard, I guess from all the presses before!)

2b)1 arm DB row: 50x8-55x8-55x8

3a)Bar dips: 10(held db between legs)x8-8-8

3b)Neutral grip pullups(coming up as far as I could-almost chest to bar): 4 sets of 6

4)50 pushups(used pushup handles-chest all the way past the handles)for time

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lotsa Lunges

1) Hang power cleans and squat cleans: worked up to a few sets of 115 for 2-3 reps

2) Squats: 115x5-135x5-155x5-135x6-115x8

3)Barbell glute bridge: 60lbs 3x10(working on not going too heavy on these and really getting a good contraction in my glutes! I'm on my way to 225 :-) )

4)100 walking lunges(meant to time these but forgot!)

5)100 double unders for time(=2:30ish) Stupid shoes I had on kept making me mess up!

6) Ab wheel rollouts: 3x12

Monday, July 2, 2012

Upper Body

1)Muscle ups: 4x3

2)Wide pullups: 5-6-6

3)Bench Press: 95x5-105x5-115x5-95x12(helps to have my husband push me to get those last few reps!)

4a)Overhead standing dumbbell press: 30x8-30x7-30x7/Seated-25x12

4b) Inverted rows: underhand x12/10/ overhand x10/10

Finisher: 5 min amap-
Burpees to pushup to renegade row to squat clean to press(=1 rep!)
*20 reps w/20lb dumbbells*

Oops! Was in a hurry to get the last 5and forgot to do the row on the second to last rep!